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Redshred Awarded $1.8 Million Phase II STTR Contract for AIRMATE System Development

September 5, 2024


BALTIMORE, MD - Redshred, a leading innovator in AI-powered text analytics and document understanding technology, has been awarded a $1.8 million Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) contract to further develop its groundbreaking AIRworthiness Model Automation for cerTification Evaluations (AIRMATE) system. This project, in partnership with Stony Brook University's Dr. Manoj Mahajan and Bluespace, aims to revolutionize the United States Air Force's certification processes.

The AIRMATE system addresses the United States Air Force's critical need for efficient and cost-effective transformation of certification documents into MBSE-ready digital models. Leveraging the latest advances in generative AI and Redshred's existing document AI platform, AIRMATE aims to accelerate certification processes, reduce manual labor, and enhance transparency for military aircraft certification.

"This Phase II award represents a major milestone in our mission to accelerate digital transformation within the defense sector," said Jim Kukla, Co-Founder of Redshred. "AIRMATE will significantly reduce the time and labor required to create MBSE digital models from legacy documents, directly supporting the modern warfighter by expediting aircraft modifications and recertifications."

Key features of AIRMATE include:

- Automatic extraction of digital certification artifacts from legacy documents

- Elimination of manual document searches

- Domain adaptability without requiring large datasets or specialized skills

- Compatibility with popular third-party MBSE tools

- Cross-reference linking capabilities

Dr. Manoj Mahajan of Stony Brook University and Bluespace bring together academic expertise and industry innovation as partners on this project, helping Redshred continue to innovate generative AI document processing.

During Phase II, Redshred will focus on refining the system architecture, developing evaluation models, improving model performance, creating a user-friendly interface, and integrating with third-party MBSE tools.

For more information about Redshred and the AIRMATE project, please visit or contact:

Jeehye Yun

About Redshred:

Redshred is a leading innovator in making document-based content accessible for downstream integration and innovation through the creative use of AI and ML.